Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Run feature


If you are checking out runescape and are a low level player, like me, practice using your run feature. It could save you from being killed in some cases.

I opened up a trap door on the ground behind Lumbridge Village went down the ladder and went along a narrow walkway passing by some Zombies, got about halfway down the hall and they started to attack me.
It was soon apparent that I was going to die if I did not do something.
I remembered the run feature, turned it on and ran to the ladder and out. Survived for the time being.

That is another place I will go back to when I get my levels up .

Headed down to the fishing hole south of Draynor Village, along the wayI cut down a couple of trees and took the wood with me, for cooking fish.

Found out I can use a fire that has allready been lit by someone else for cooking.

Used my net to catch some anchovies and shrimp, cooked them up, ate a bunch to get my strength back up so now I can go fight Trolls and Goblins and see what good things they drop.

Related Tags: runescape hacks, runescape cheats, runescape tips, runescape character, runescape 2, runescape money, role playing game, runescape clan, runescape help, runescape forum, runescape scams, runescape loans, runescape money cheats, runescape quest help


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