Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The mysterious Old Man


You have seen the mysterious old man in and around Runescape.

He shows up in a great number of places, just about everyplace you play.

He always give you some small token and then poof he is gone.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Mime


The latest Random Event is Runescape.

I have been doing a lot of mining and the normal random events come around every once in a while.

This event starts with a character transporting you to a room with a stage. You are on this stage with another person.

There is a spotlight on both you and the other person who is a Mime.

The moderator, ( for the lack of a better name), gets the mime to do a move, a spotlight is on the Mime while he does his move. Then a screen comes up and you have to pick out the move that the mime has made.

The screen that comes up has 8 choices, you have to pick out the one that the mime has made.

The gestures the Mime make are fairly hard to make out. The spotlight switches to you as you try to mimic the Mime.

If you get it wrong, the Mime will make another move which you will have to try to mimic.

I failed on a three tries and got 3 right and was sent back to the spot where I was mining.

If this random event give out gifts like the others,I did not get one. Must have got to many wrong. lol

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Mine Iron Ore Mine in El kharid


If you wan to mine Iron ore, the mine at El Kharid is an excellent place to MIne for it.

there are a lot of Iron to chose from, one rock by itself, to a group of three which is the best place to mine iron if you are trying to advance your mining levels the fastest way.

Some of the Groups of two rock are set up so you have to move from one rock to the other and some are set up so you don't move your character, just swing back and forth.

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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Mining Adamanite in the El Kharid Mine


Mining in El Kharid is good and has everything you want to mine. Silver, Tin, Coal, Iron, Mithril, Adamantite, and Copper.

The best thing about mining at the El Kharid mine site is, there are not a lot of miners there later in the evening.

There are two Adamantite in the north corner fo the mine, as there are not a lot of miners with levels high enough to mine "Addy". You need level 70 or better to do this.

This is the only place that I have found that has silver ore.

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