another random event
The latest random event that I have seen or had the pleasure of trying to get through, was while I was trying to kill Hill Giants.
I was taken to what looked like a big round field with chickens running around it.
There was a charactor who I was instruced to talk to, he wanted me to go and get him a chicken with a split tail.
Of course he wanted me to kill it and bring it to him.
I looked around and the were chickens without spit tails, and some with their tails split in three parts.
There were others to but I did not pay enough attention to remember them all.
I got the one he wanted (split tail) and I was rewaded with a Uncut Diamond.
To get out of there I had to find the portal and go through it to return.
I don't know if this random events happens in other places in the game.
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