Thursday, March 30, 2006

Have you met the Sarge


The other night I was mining rune essence and running back and forth between the bank and the rune store when I was teleported to a room with four beds and a military looking dude ordering me to jump on one of the beds and do pushups.

I jumped onto one of the beds and found myself doing sit ups, wrong bed, went to the next one and was jogging.

By this time he was giving me new orders to do jumping jacks, jumped onto another bed and was doing pushups, at least I knew where that bed was.

To make a long story short as he was barking new orders I was able to get on the right bed as his orders were given and was given a prize for all the exersize I had to do.

Since it was a military man giving the orders the prize was a Camo Helment , I have not seen these around before so I will be on the lookout for other players who have them.

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Sunday, March 26, 2006

Hundredth Quest - Recipe for Disaster!


The cook in Lumbridge has a surprisingly small number of ingredients to hand in his kitchen, possibly as a result of an endless stream of newcomers with light fingers taking anything that isn't nailed down.

Luckily, in the past a kind Cook's Assistant was willing to help him in his culinary duties, but now a problem has appeared that could spell... a Recipe For Disaster!

Almost all members can attempt to solve his tricky predicament, and be rewarded accordingly, but only the very elite of questers will be able to put paid to his problem permanently!

The quest itself has several sub-sections, each with their own unique rewards. Check out our new look quest pages for more information.

Players willing to take on the challenge of this, our hundredth quest in game so far and possibly the largest yet, should head immediately to Lumbridge Castle's kitchen, and help out their old employer the Cook immediately...

In other news, some players will be asked to help out Leo, the short sighted Gravedigger.

He's buried in some serious trouble and needs his problems laying to rest.

Can you help identify which grave is which? This new random event has a new costume to collect and some new emotes for the players to unlock if they can solve the puzzle.

Related Tags: runescape hacks, runescape cheats, runescape tips, runescape character, runescape 2, runescape money, role playing game, runescape clan, runescape help, runescape forum, runescape scams, runescape loans, runescape money cheats, runescape quest help